Moments I'm thankful for...
“What if we really figured it out - the gratitude for the seemingly small and insignificant?
This is the seed that plants the giant miracle in the midst of it all.
So count the ways that He loves, a thousand more.
Never stop.
So that when you wake in the morning you can't help unfold your hands to the heavens.
And though you grieve and though you wonder, though the world is ugly - it is beautiful.
And though time moves on, its moments are holy.
And though the planet spins - a blur, you can slow and you can wake.
You can trust and you can pay attention to the moment with this offering of thanks.
Because this is how you spend your one life well,
receiving each moment for what it really is -
holy, ordinary, amazing grace, a gift."
~ Ann Voskamp
Today's Through The Lens of Worship post was inspired by Ann Voskamp and this video...
Head on over to Through The Lens of Worship to read more and share your moments.
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